dnspython 1.1.0b1

Bob Halley halley@dnspython.org
19 Jul 2003 03:24:25 -0700

dnspython 1.1.0b1 has been released.

New in this release:

	Message sections are now lists of RRsets, not lists of nodes.

	Many tests have been added to the test suite; dnspython 1.0.0
	had 47 tests, 1.1.0b1 has 217.  The improved testing
	uncovered a number of bugs, all of which have been fixed.

	The NameDict class provides a dictionary whose keys are DNS
	names.  In addition to behaving like a normal Python
	dictionary, it also provides the get_deepest_match() method.
	If, for example, you had a dictionary containing the keys
	foo.com and com, then get_deepest_match() of the name
	a.b.foo.com would match the foo.com key.

	Zone and Node factories may be specified, allowing applications
	to subclass Zone or Node and yet still use the algorithms which
	build zones from master files or AXFR data.

	A new Renderer class for those applications which want finer
	control over the DNS wire format message generation process.

	Support for a "TooBig" exception if the size of wire format
	output exceeds a specified limit.

	dns.ipv6.inet_ntoa() now minimizes the text representation of
	IPv6 addresses in the usual way,
	e.g. "0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001" is minimized to
	"::1".  (One caveat is that it still does not use the "dotted
	quad" syntax for embedded IPv4 addresses.)

	dns.query functions now take an optional address family

This release fixes all known bugs from 1.0.0.