ANN: python-ldap-2.0.0pre14

Michael Ströder Python Developer List <>
Fri, 03 Oct 2003 14:58:43 +0200

Find a new pre-release of python-ldap:

python-ldap provides an object-oriented API to access LDAP directory
servers from Python programs. It mainly wraps the OpenLDAP 2.x libs for
that purpose. Additionally it contains modules for other LDAP-related
stuff (e.g. processing LDIF, LDAPURLs and LDAPv3 schema).

Released 2.0.0pre14 2003-10-03

Changes since 2.0.0pre13:
* Some modifications to ease building for Win32
* Added directory Build/ mainly intended for platform-specific
   examples of setup.cfg
* Fixed installing ldap.filter

* Added class attribute LDAPObject.network_timeout mapped to
* LDAPObject.search_ext(): Pass arguments serverctrls,clientctrls
   to _ldap.search_ext()

* Added class ldap.sasl.external for handling
   the SASL mechanism EXTERNAL
* Dictionary ldap.sasl.saslmech_handler_class built during import
   for all the known SASL mechanisms derived from class definitions

* More graceful handling of KeyError in SubSchema.attribute_types()
* New method SubSchema.get_inheritedattr() for retrieving inherited
   class attributes
* New method SubSchema.get_inheritedobj() for retrieving a
   schema element instance including all inherited class attributes