ANN: spidermonkey 0.0.1a released

John J. Lee
06 Oct 2003 22:02:38 +0100

[reposting, since it didn't turn up on the first time]

This is the first release.  There are known bugs, and interfaces may

Requires Python 2.3 and spidermonkey 1.5.  Currently, Pyrex is required to
build it.  It should work on any platform where spidermonkey runs.  I've
only tested on Linux, though.

spidermonkey is a Python/JavaScript bridge module, making use of Mozilla's
spidermonkey JavaScript implementation.  Allows implementation of
JavaScript classes, objects and functions in Python, and evaluation and
calling of JavaScript scripts and functions respectively.  Borrows heavily
from Claes Jacobssen's Javascript Perl module, in turn based on Mozilla's
'PerlConnect' Perl binding.

See also: PyXPCOM.

Example of a few of the features:

from spidermonkey import Runtime
rt = Runtime()
cx = rt.new_context()

class foo:
    def hello(self):
        print "Hello, JavaScript world!"

cx.bind_class(foo, bind_constructor=True)
f = cx.eval_script("""var f = new foo();
f; // script return value
print f  # script return value

def repeat(x): return x*2
cx.bind_callable("repeat", repeat)

print cx.eval_script("""
var r = ["foo", {"bar": 2.3, "spam": [1,2,3]}];
