strptime() backported to Jython 2.1
Brett C.
Mon, 15 Sep 2003 11:11:44 -0700
I have received a few requests since the 'Python Cookbook' was published
to edit my code for a strptime() function in pure Python to run on
Jython 2.1 . I have finally come about and made the necessary changes
and put them online (thanks to Jon Franz for giving the final push).
The code can be found at the Python Cookbook web site at . It is
not the fastest or best version of the code (that will always be in the
Python CVS MAIN tree), but it seems to work (I have not done extensive
testingm but all the changes were minor).
I now consider this backport finished. All future enhancements to
strptime will continue to go into the Python CVS but will not be
backported. If you want the latest and greatest features then consider
helping to move Jython forward to its next version or upgrading your
version of CPython.