ANNOUNCE: MozPython 0.1.0 released
Thomas Schilz
Thu, 08 Jan 2004 15:32:01 +0100
MozPython version 0.1.0 has been released today.
MozPython embeds the Python interpreter in Mozilla. With MozPython you
can execute Python scripts in Mozilla. Script output to sys.stdout is
displayed in the browser window.
MozPython may for example be useful for you if you have written a Web
application with Python CGI scripts. You can now have your application
run offline in Mozilla without the need for a local Web server.
If PyXPCOM is installed on your system then MozPython gives your scripts
access to the browser window they are executing in. This might be useful
if you are more interested in creating pure offline applications using
Mozilla and Python.
For more information about MozPython and to download the current version
go to the MozPython home page at
<p><a href="">MozPython 0.1.0</a>
Embedding the Python interpreter in Mozilla. (08-01-04)