MGC2004 DEADLINE EXTENSION - 2nd Workshop on Middleware for Grid Computing

Middleware 04 middleware04 at
Thu Jul 8 01:24:32 CEST 2004

	MGC2004 - 2nd International Workshop on Middleware for Grid Computing

	in conjunction with the 5th International Middleware Conference 2004

	Toronto, Ontario, Canada - October 18th, 2004


*************  Submission deadline has been extended to July 18th.  **********
*************  No further extensions will be given.                 **********

	       Given the submission extension, notification of acceptance
	       will be delayed until August 14th.
	       The deadline for the camera-ready paper version has not changed
	       and is a hard dealine !!
	       To reduce the effort necessary for preparation of the
	       camera-ready version, authors are advised to submit their papers
	       already in ACM format.

History: The first edition of this workshop (MGC2003) was held on June 17th 2003,
in conjunction with the Middleware Conference, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. MGC2003
saw a good combination of the many different flavors in Middleware for Grid Computing,
with 16 technical presentations and discussions on several stimulating topics
including, among the others, Classic Grids, object oriented technologies, Service-
based Grids, Open grid Service Architecture, Agent Grid, Interactive Grid, Grid
Economy / Scheduling, and Portlets. After the event, extended and thoroughly revised versions of the papers were invited to a Special Issue of Concurrency and Computation Practice and Experience Journal - Vol.16 N.5 2004. The first workshop generated
substantial interest in the community and we hope to build on this tradition this
year. Far from exhausting the topics of interest, MGC2003 paved the way for a second
edition of the workshop, that will continue the most interesting and stimulating
topics emerged last year, and also include some novel issues.

Description: Much of the focus of Grid until recently has been within research
organizations. Currently the involvement of commercial organization has increased tremendously. That leads to a greater focus on integration with commercial computing
models and more work on the security and resource management models required for
automated and secure access negotiation for remote resources. In order to control
such a broad base of resources, Grid Computing has a middleware layer which controls
the distributed execution of applications.

In this Workshop we would encourage researchers from the various GRID middleware
communities to submit and present original work for publication. Overall topics of
interest include but are not limited to:
	Classic Grid Middleware
	Object Oriented technologies or Component Middleware
	WSRF/OGSA/Web services
	Grid Middleware Architectures
	Grid Services
	Grid Middleware Security
	Resource Management and Scheduling
	Strategies and protocols for obtaining QoS
	Semantic Grid Middleware
	Managing Information in Grid Middleware
	Grid Object Metadata and Schemas
	Programming Models, Tools, and Environments
	Performance Evaluation and Modeling
	Evolution of and experiences with Grid systems
	Wireless Grids
	Data Grid Middleware
	Dependability and Fault Tolerance in Grids
	Virtualization in Grids

Paper Submission: The Workshop on Middleware for Grid Computing invites authors to
submit original and unpublished work. Papers should not exceed 4-6 single-spaced
pages of text using 10 point size type on A4 paper. Authors should submit a PostScript (level 2) or PDF file that will print on a PostScript printer. Submission implies
the willingness of at least one of the authors to register and present the paper.
All selected papers for are peer-reviewed and will be published in the ACM Digital
Library. Selected (extended) papers will be invited to a special issue of Concurrency
and Computation: Practice and Experience Journal for 2005. Some papers may be selected
to be presented as posters. Electronic only submission.

Important Dates:		Paper Submissions:    	 	July 18th, 2004
				Papers Not. of acceptance:	August 14th, 2004
				Papers Camera-ready:     	September 1st, 2004

Program Committee (preliminar)
* David Abramson - Monash U. AU
* Cristiana Amza - U Toronto, CA
* Rajkumar Buyya - U Melbourne, AU
* Jim Basney - NCSA/UIUC, USA
* Emmanuel Cecchet - INRIA Alpes, FR
* Renato Cerqueira - PUC-Rio, BR
* Walfredo Cirne - UFCG, BR
* Geoff Coulson - Lancaster U, UK
* Petre Dini - Cisco Systems & Concordia U, CA
* Geoffrey Fox - U Indiana, US
* Wolfgang Gentzsch - MCNC, US
* Kate Keahey - U Chicago and ANL, US
* Edmundo Madeira - UNICAMP, BR
* Thomas Magedanz - TU Berlin & FHG Fokus, DE
* Radha Nandkumar - NCSA/UIUC, US - Workshop Co-Chair
* Andrea Omicini - U Bologna, IT
* Fabio Porto - LNCC, BR - Publicity Co-Chair
* Omer Rana - Cardiff U, UK
* Vinod Rebello - UFF, BR
* Noemi Rodrigues - PUC-Rio, BR
* Bruno Schulze - LNCC, BR - Workshop Co-Chair
* Stefan Tai - IBM T J Watson, US
* Carlos Westphall - UFSC , BR

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