1 day to early registration deadline for Middleware'04

Middleware 04 middleware04 at eecg.toronto.edu
Wed Sep 22 05:29:44 CEST 2004

*****  1 day left to early registration deadline for *****
*****         ACM/IFIP/USENIX Middleware 2004        *****

=09=09    ACM/IFIP/USENIX Middleware 2004
=09=09=09Call for Participation
=09=09 Renaissance Toronto Hotel at SkyDome
=09=09       Toronto, Ontario, Canada
=09=09      October  18th - 22nd, 2004

=09     http://www.eecg.utoronto.ca/middleware2004/

Important Dates:

  Early Registration Rate Ends:        22 September 2004
  Last Day to Pre-Register:            06 October 2004
  Hotel Cut-Off Date:                  25 September 2004
  Hotel room reservations (Canada/US):    1-800-237-1512

Program Summary:

  For details and exact dates see: http://www.eecg.utoronto.ca/middleware20=


    How Wrong Can You Be? Getting Lost on the Road to Massive Scalability
    Werner Vogels, Director of Systems Research, Amazon.com

    Experiences Building a 24x7 Real-time ASP Service at Citrix Online
    Thorsten von Eicken, Chief Architect, Citrix Online

    Aspect-Oriented Programming - The promise and the controversy
    Gregor Kiczales, University of British Columbia

  Main conference program

    Single-track conference with 26 technical paper presentations
    and 6 work-in-progress presentations.

    For details see

  Tutorials (Monday and Tuesday):

     Building Distributed .NET Applications - Technologies,
     Architecture, Comparison with J2EE. By Michael Stal, Siemens AG
     Germany (Monday, full day.)

     Getting Started with Aspect-Oriented Programming for Middleware.
     By Yvonne Coady, University of Victoria, Canada (Monday,

     Middleware and Data Management for Sensor Networks. By Nalini
     Venkatasubramanian, University of California, Irvine, USA and
     Sharad Mehrotra,University of California, Irvine, USA (Tuesday,

     Enterprise Integration Patterns: Asynchronous Messaging
     Architectures in Practice.  By Gregor Hohpe, ThoughtWorks Inc.,
     USA (Tuesday, morning.)

     Data Grid Management Systems. By Arun Swaran Jagatheesan,
     University of California, San Diego, USA (Tuesday, afternoon.)

     DDS: The Real-Time Publish-Subscribe Standard for Data
     Distribution By Gerardo Pardo-Castellote, Real-Time Innovations
     Inc., USA (Tuesday, afternoon.)

  Workshops (Monday and Tuesday):

      2nd Workshop on Middleware for Grid Computing. Organizers: Bruno
      Schulze - National Scientific Computing Laboratory (Brazil) and
      Radha Nandkumar - NCSA/UIUC (USA) (Monday, October 18th.)

      2nd Workshop on Middleware for Pervasive and Ad-Hoc Computing
      Organizer: Paddy Nixon - Strathclyde University (UK) (Monday,
      October 18th.)

      3rd Workshop on Adaptive and Reflective Middleware. Organizer:
      Fabio Costa, Federal University of Goi=E1s - (Brazil) and Nanbor
      Wang - Tech-X Corporation (USA) (Tuesday, October 19th.)

      1st Middleware Doctoral Symposium. Organizers: Edward Curry -
      National University of Ireland (Ireland) and Doug Lea - SUNY
      Oswego (USA) (Tuesday, October 19th.)


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