ANNOUNCE: SpamBayes release 1.0
Tony Meyer
ta-meyer at
Tue Sep 28 09:46:28 CEST 2004
The SpamBayes team is pleased to announce the 1.0 release of SpamBayes.
As is now usual, this is both a release of the source code and of an
installation program for all Microsoft Windows users.
The Windows installation program will install either the Outlook add-in (for
Microsoft Outlook users), or the SpamBayes server program (for all other
POP3 mail client users, including Microsoft Outlook Express). All Windows
users (including existing users of the Outlook add-in) are encouraged to use
the installation program.
If you wish to use the source-code version, you will also need to install
Python - see README.txt in the source tree for more information.
This release includes no changes from the successful (but now rather dated)
1.0rc2 release. However, we still highly recommend that existing users
upgrade to the final version. Work has already begun towards the first 1.1
release, and we expect to release a (bug fix only) 1.0.1 release around the
same time as 1.1a1.
September 2004 is Spambayes' 2nd birthday, and (as many users know) we have
gone through a very long release process, including 8 alpha releases, a
beta, and two release candidates, all tested by a large number of users. As
such, we are very confident that this 1.0 release is stable and suitable for
regular use. We do welcome any and all contributions for improvements, of
Get it via the 'Download' page at
Enjoy the new release and your spam-free mailbox :-)
Thanks to everyone involved in this release, particularly Richie Hindle and
Kenny Pitt!
(on behalf of the SpamBayes team)
--- What is SpamBayes? ---
The SpamBayes project is working on developing a Bayesian (of sorts)
anti-spam filter (in Python), initially based on the work of Paul Graham.
The major difference between this and other, similar, projects is the
emphasis on testing newer approaches to scoring messages.
The project includes a number of different applications, all using the same
core code, ranging from a plug-in for Microsoft Outlook, to a POP3 proxy, to
various command-line tools.
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