itools 0.12.0 released

"J. David Ibáñez" jdavid at
Mon Dec 19 15:03:07 CET 2005

itools is a Python library, it groups a number of packages into a single
meta-package for easier development and deployment:

  itools.catalog        itools.i18n             itools.web
  itools.cms            itools.ical             itools.workflow
  itools.csv            itools.resources        itools.xhtml
  itools.datatypes      itools.rss              itools.xliff
  itools.gettext        itools.schemas          itools.xml
  itools.handlers       itools.tmx
  itools.html           itools.uri

The twelfth release defines an inflection point in the development of
to celebrate it we start writing "release notes" for the first time.

The ikaaro CMS (Content Management System), that before was distributed as
a separate Zope package, has now been included in itools as "itools.cms".
And it does not requires Zope anymore (note that the ZODB and PIL packages
are still needed).

The new script "" makes it easier than ever to deploy and manage
an ikaaro instance. Type " --help" for an start.

On other news, Hervé Cauwelier has been working hard to deploy a new sexy
skin for ikaaro. Codenamed Aruni, the new skin, alongside of major
improvements to the user interface, makes of this release an important
milestone in the road for prime-time use.

A demo is online for a taste, (login as admin/admin).

And last but not least, the new top package "itools.csv" implements a higher
level API to work with CSV files. Brought to you by Piotr Macuk.

For a more detailed list of the changes see the CHANGES.txt file, or go
directly to the Changelog file.




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J. David Ibáñez
Itaapy <>         Tel +33 (0)1 42 23 67 45
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