PyGTA next meeting: Tuesday February 22, 7-9pm at offices of Frogware (not our usual location!)

Peter Hansen peter at
Sat Feb 19 21:00:19 CET 2005

We're announcing here in case anyone who doesn't subscribe to our
announcement mailing list was thinking of attending:

   NOTE the change in location from where we've been meeting for the
   last 12 months!!

The next meeting of PyGTA, the Toronto-area Python user group, will be
held at the offices of Frogware ( at:

   477 Richmond Street West,
   Suite 210, Toronto, Ontario

on Tuesday, February 22nd, 2005, 7pm to 9pm.

Here's a link using the Google Maps Beta:

Note also that as of this moment, we have no official speaker.  If
you would like to reserve time to talk about your own Python-related
project, please let us know!

-Ian and Peter, meeting organizers

P.S.:  We'd also like to take this opportunity to publicly
thank Givex ( and D'Arcy Cain for generously
hosting our meetings for the last year.

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