ANN : rest2web 0.2.0

Fuzzyman fuzzyman at
Thu Jun 2 17:23:29 CEST 2005

*UPDATE* rest2web 0.2.0

This is a major update to rest2web, introducing lots of new features
and improvements.

The main new features are :

    * rest2web now renders pages a whole directory at a time and builds
a tree of the site structureas it goes. This allows the new standard
functions to provide very simple ways of automatically building
sidebars. The data strucures are also available for you to process

    * The new *standard functions* also include a one line way to print
navigation trails.

    * You can now specify your template encoding and output encoding -
rest2web is fully unicode internally. It ought to 'do the right thing'
if you don't specify what encodings are being used (even if you mix

    * A new system of macros for frequently used shorthands (including
smilies and Python source coloring).

    * Lots more values available in the template namespace.

:Author: Michael Foord
:Contact: fuzzyman at
:Version: 0.2.0
:Date: 2005/06/01
:License:  BSD-License
:Home Page:
:Development: SVN Repository
:Support: Pythonutils Mailing List

:Quick Download:

Note : rest2web requires the pythonutils module

What is restweb ?

rest2web is a tool for automatically building websites, or parts of
websites. It allows you to maintain your content as reST (see ) - a relaxed (WYSIWYG) text markup.
(You can keep content as HTML as well if you prefer).

It will generate HTML from your contents and insert it into HTML
templates, automatically building index pages, sidebars, and navigation
trails (breadcrumbs) as it goes. It features a simple templating
system, macros, and more.

Adding pages to your site can be as simple as dropping the text file of
cotnent into the desired directory. rest2web will add it to the index
page and build the target file. If you delete a page, rest2web can
automatically update the indexes for you.

Because rest2web resolves all links locally, it can be used to create
HTML files viewable from the filesystem. This makes it an ideal way to
create documentation.

See the docs and example site (included in the distribution) :

The example site illustrates most of the features of rest2web, which is
now building a significant proportion of Voidspace - see for a live example.

What's Changed Since 0.1.0 ?

    Version 0.2.0       2005/06/01
    Various minor changes
        especially additions to the namespace pages are rendered in.
    Sites are rendered a whole section at a time.
        This means pages have index data for that section available.
        This is the ``sections`` variable in the namespace.
    Added the ``output-encoding`` and `final_encoding`` values to
        the restindex.
    Added the ``template-encoding`` value to the restindex.
        rest2web is now entirely unicode internally.
    It's now possible to specify title and description
        for the default section.
    Added indextree and thispage, allows building of sidebars.
    Added standard functions.
    Added macros.
    Started using subversion repository.
    Changed all line endings to 'LF'.

What's Next ?

The next step is to have rest2web automatically create contents and
sitemaps for sites it is creating. I'd like to integrate with a system
that inspects Python objects for helping to automate some of the
process of documenting Python projects.

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