PAMIE 1.5 released! Now supports IE automation with frames.
calfdog at
Fri Jun 3 06:59:51 CEST 2005
Why wait, when you could be using this to Automate now!... It's Free!!!
What is PAMIE?
PAMIE stands for Python Automation module for Internet Explorer.
* Window 2000, WinNT, WinXP
* Python 2.4. (I use Active State Python 2.4.x since it installs the
needed win32all library)
Optional tools for writing scripts:
* Eclipse with pydev plugin ( great for writing, running and debugging
scripts) - recommended!!
* Emacs - for script writing
* Notepad++ - for script writing
* PythonWin IDE installed with Activestate Python - - for script writing and running
This was completely written in Python to be used as a QA/Development
tool for Web testing.
You will find this is one of the easiest automation tool to use for
automating Internet Explorer.
PAMIE is a class file ( that you import and you can calls its
methods to write scripts that
automate your IE browser client.
Used with PY unit you can write complex Web testing frameworks.
* Automate Web testing
* Use along with Jmeter for Performance testing.
* Load Testing
New Enhancements:
Frames support
improved report status
Just a few of the methods available:
_frameWait - waits for user speficied frame document to load
_wait - wait for documetn to load
checkForFormName - check to see if a formname exists in the document
checkForFrameName -- check to see if a framename exists
ClickBtnImage - Clicks on an input type image button
ClickButton - Click on a button
ClickImage - clicks on an Image
ClickLink - Clicks on a link
ClickMenu - Clicks on an menu item,link
ClickMenuImage - Clicks on an menu item that is a image.
Click a Menu or Sub Menu Item
ClickNthImage click on the Nth Image
ClickNthLink - click on the Nth link
ClickOuterLink - clicks on a link using outertext
ClickPageLink - click on the page link
GetTextBox - get tectbox value
SettextBox - Sets texbox value
GetNames - get the names of the form elements
GetListbox - gets selected listbox item
SetlistBox - sets selected listbox item
GetRadioButton - Gets Radio button status
SetRadioButton - Sets Radio button
GetRadioButtonSet - same as above
and much much more !!!
Check it out!
Thank you
R.L. Marchetti
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