Python-NL Conference: Python Pepernoten Meeting

Martijn Pieters mj at
Fri Nov 18 17:26:32 CET 2005

Python Pepernoten meeting

On December 9th the PUN (Python Usergroup Netherlands) will hold it's 
"Pepernoten" meeting in De Waag in Amsterdam. This is a free and freely 
accessible meeting.

Location and time

The meeting will take place in `De Waag`_ in Amsterdam. De Waag is 
located in the centre of Amsterdam on the `Nieuwmarkt 4`_ (about 15 
minutes walk from Central Station or by Metro lines 51, 53 and 54, 
station Nieuwmarkt). We'll start at 10am and the program will probably 
last until about 4pm. Afterwards there is time for informal socialising.


Below is the provisional program. If you'd like to give a talk please 
let us know. All talks will be in Dutch.

* Jack Jansen - Bgen en C++ (like SWIG but good ;-)
* Stani Michiels - SPE (open source IDE)
* Dick Kniep - Lindix (large project with various connections to for
   example OpenOffice)
* Martijn Faassen - lxml (super-fast xml library) (provisional)
* Jeroen Vloothuis - Zope 3 technology outside of Zope
* Lightning talks

Lightning talks

The idea of the Lightning talks is to give people the opportunity to 
share their findings. If you have something to show off but don't have 
enough material to fill a full presentation this is your call.

We have several registered lightning talks already; the exact programme 
will be announced later.

Registration and costs

Registration is free, although food and drink are to be paid for by 
yourself. We do ask you to register yourself online (in Dutch) at:

.. _De Waag:
.. _Nieuwmarkt 4:
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