SQLObject release 0.7.2

Oleg Broytmann phd at phd.pp.ru
Mon Dec 4 18:59:05 CET 2006


I'm pleased to announce the 0.7.2 release of SQLObject.

What is SQLObject

SQLObject is an object-relational mapper.  Your database tables are described
as classes, and rows are instances of those classes.  SQLObject is meant to be
easy to use and quick to get started with.

SQLObject supports a number of backends: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and
Firebird.  It also has newly added support for Sybase, MSSQL and MaxDB (also
known as SAPDB).

Where is SQLObject


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News and changes:

What's New

Features & Interface

* sqlbuilder.Select now supports JOINs exactly like SQLObject.select.

* destroySelf() removes the object from related joins.

Bug Fixes

* Fixed a number of unicode-related problems with newer MySQLdb.

* If the DB API driver returns timedelta instead of time (MySQLdb does
  this) it is converted to time; but if the timedelta has days an exception
  is raised.

* Fixed a number of bugs in InheritableSQLObject related to foreign keys.

* Fixed a bug in InheritableSQLObject related to the order of tableRegistry

* A bug fix that allows to use SQLObject with DateTime from Zope.

Documentation Added

* Added "How can I define my own intermediate table in my Many-to-Many
  relationship?" to FAQ.

For a more complete list, please see the news:

     Oleg Broytmann            http://phd.pp.ru/            phd at phd.pp.ru
           Programmers don't die, they just GOSUB without RETURN.

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