ANN: PyMite release 04

dwhall dwhall256 at
Sat Dec 16 18:20:05 CET 2006

.. Hello,
.. I would like to announce the fourth release of PyMite.
.. PyMite is for 8-bit embedded developers wanting to code in Python,
.. NOT for Python programmers wanting to develop for 8-bit systems
.. !!Dean


:Author:    Dean Hall
:Copyright: Copyright 2002 Dean Hall.
            All of the source code for PyMite is licensed under
            the GNU General Public License v2.
:Release:   04


PyMite is a flyweight Python interpreter written from scratch
to execute on 8-bit and larger microcontrollers with resources
as limited as 32 KiB of program memory (flash) and 4 KiB of RAM.
PyMite supports a subset of the Python syntax and can execute
a subset of the Python bytecodes. PyMite can also be compiled,
tested and executed on a desktop computer.


My thanks go to these people for their contribution to PyMite:

    - Josh Lifton: Used PyMite in PhD work,
      donated many code fixes and tests.
    - Philipp Adelt: Enhancements to,
      issues and fixes.
    - for providing quality,
      free project hosting on

Release Notes

This is PyMite release 04

* Release 04, 2006/12/14

    - #62:  Created Release 04 package
    - #51:  Updated to Python 2.5 bytecodes
    - #57:  Created doc showing what PyMite does [not] support
    - #60:  Implemented heap_sweep
    - #59:  Improved bytecode UNPACK_SEQUENCE
    - #58:  Added support for keyword "in"
    - #26:  Implemented more builtin functions
    - #49:  Removed null check from object methods
    - #56:  Implemented \*_POWER bytecodes
    - #17:  Completed the implementation of obj_isEqual()
    - #54:  Changed seglist API to encapsulate segnum & segindx
    - #10:  Created sequence_getSubscript()
    - #33:  Created new ARM target
    - #36:  Deprecated dwh_types.h
    - #53:  Fixed Win32/x86 build break
    - #38:  Made use of conditional in Makefile
    - #37:  Created PM_RAISE()
    - #34:  Converted all "Py" to "Pm"
    - #50:  Integrated __LINE__ into PM_RAISE
    - #48:  Organized and deploy unit tests
    - #45:  Finished interpret loop edits
    - #35:  Macroized all operations on object descriptors
    - #42:  Fixed misuse of PM_RAISE
    - #43:  Fixed mem_getInt()
    - #40:  Fixed heap chunk transfer

.. :mode=rest:

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