PyCon early-bird registration extended until January 15th

A.M. Kuchling amk at
Tue Jan 3 20:44:20 CET 2006

Due to various issues with the hotel's reservation desk, the early
bird registration for PyCon has been extended until January 15th.  So,
if you've been delaying registering for PyCon, you still have a chance
to register at the lower early-bird price.

The registration form is at

What's going on: some sprint attendees have called the Dallas Marriott
Quorum's reservation line and been told that the PyCon room rate is no
longer available, and that they'll have to book at the regular hotel
rate of $199/night.

This is incorrect; the reservation line is confused, and we're trying
to resolve the problem.  Please don't be frightened away from PyCon if
you've called the hotel and been told you have to pay $199/night. You
can register for PyCon and book your hotel rooms later after this
problem is resolved.  You have until February 1st to book rooms at the
PyCon rate.  I'll post an announcement once the reservation issues are


A.M. Kuchling
amk at
Chair, PyCon 2006

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