ANN: pyGame Basics (3 ShowMeDo videos, 24 minutes)

Ian Ozsvald ian at
Thu Jan 18 21:25:01 CET 2007

Florian Mayer introduces the basics of pyGame programming, showing
you how to create a blank window, handle events to drive animation,
and finally how to control the frames-per-second rate.

About Florian Mayer:
Florian is our latest author and these videos are his first ShowMeDo
series.  If you like the videos, please leave him some words of
encouragement and thanks for his efforts.

Free videos (we call them ShowMeDos) showing you how to do things.  
The videos are made by us and our users, for everyone.  60 of our
130 videos are for Python, with more to come.

We'd love to have more contributions - would you share what you know?

The founders,
Ian Ozsvald, Kyran Dale

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