ANN: Pygments 0.8 released

Georg Brandl g.brandl at
Thu May 31 09:50:37 CEST 2007

I'm happy to announce the release of version 0.8 of the Pygments syntax highlighter.

Download it from, or look at the demonstration at

The "new features" changelog for 0.8 is:

* Lexers added:
  o Haskell, thanks to Adam Blinkinsop
  o Redcode, thanks to Adam Blinkinsop
  o D, thanks to Kirk McDonald
  o MuPad, thanks to Christopher Creutzig
  o MiniD, thanks to Jarrett Billingsley
  o Vim Script, by Tim Hatch
* The CSharpLexer now is Unicode-aware, which means that it has an option that can be set so that it correctly lexes Unicode identifiers allowed by the C# specs.
* Added a RaiseOnErrorTokenFilter that raises an exception when the lexer generates an error token, and a VisibleWhitespaceFilter that converts whitespace (spaces, tabs, newlines) into visible characters.
* The ReST lexer now automatically highlights source code blocks in ".. sourcecode:: language" and ".. code:: language" directive blocks.
* Improved the default style (thanks to Tiberius Teng). The old default is still available as the "emacs" style (which was an alias before).
* The get_style_defs method of HTML formatters now uses the cssclass option as the default selector if it was given.

The updated documentation and the full changelog can be found, as always, at

Happy highlighting,
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