ordereddict 0.3

Anthon van der Neut anthon at mnt.org
Wed Oct 24 09:54:38 CEST 2007

I am pleased to announce version 0.3 of the ordereddict module.


added setkeys/setvalues/setitems

added slice retrieval, deletion, assigment

added .rename(oldkey, newkey) rename a key keeping same value and position

fixed .index(): non-existing key now returns ValueError instead of 

Changed the module name to _ordereddict (from ordereddict), as Jason
Kirstland probably rightfully suggested that any private implementation
likely has the (file)name ordereddict.py. A modulename with leading
underscore seams more common for extension modules anyway.

Solved the potential GC problem on Windows (already in 0.2a, 
downloadable, but unannounced)


 From the blurb on ordereddict's home-page:

This is an implementation of an ordered dictionary with Key Insertion
Order: updates of values do not affect the position of the key.

It implementation is directly derived from dictobject.c and its speed is
5-10% slower than dict() and 5-9 times faster than Larosa/Foord
excellent pure Python implemention.

This module has been tested under:
    Ubuntu 7.04, gcc : Python 2.5.1
    Ubuntu 7.04, gcc : Python 2.4.4
    Ubuntu 6.06, gcc : Python 2.5.1
    Windows XP, Visual Studio 2003: Python 2.5.1

ordereddict's home on the web is at
there you also find the links where the source can be downloaded.
The .zip file there included a precompiled .pyd file for Windows.

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