ActiveState Code: the new Python Cookbook site

Trent Mick trentm at
Wed Jul 9 01:07:18 CEST 2008

Hello all,

I'm happy to announce the beta of ActiveState Code:

the eventual replacement of the ASPN Python Cookbook 
( and the other 
cookbooks there.

Just Python recipes:

What the site offers over the ASPN Cookbooks:

* a complete visual refresh (long overdue)
* full tagging support of recipes
* support for many many more languages (the ASPN Cookbooks were 
restricted to Python, PHP, Tcl and XSLT recipes)

The Python Cookbook is by far the most popular of the ASPN Cookbooks, so 
I wanted to get the Python community's feedback on the new site. What do 
you think? What works? What doesn't? I'll try to answer feedback on 
python-list or on the site's feedback form:

The new site provides a solid foundation for doing other improvements to 
the site. What specific things could the site do to make the Python 
Cookbook more useful?

WARNING: The new site is currently in **beta**, meaning that 
recipes/comments/votes that you add to the new site are **not saved**. 
The plan is to fully move to the new site in two weeks. Redirects will 
preserve all links to recipes at


p.s. The new site is written in Django -- what a pleasant experience 
that has been.
p.p.s. DNS was *just* turned on for the site so the search functionality 
(using Google) won't be working for a day or two.

Trent Mick
trentm at

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