ANN: cssutils 0.9.5rc2
Christof Hoeke
cthedot at
Mon Jul 14 22:34:33 CEST 2008
what is it
A Python package to parse and build CSS Cascading Style Sheets. (Not a
renderer though!)
main changes
There has been a **major change** in this release which may affect your
program and may require some rewriting... There is a workaround (see
below) but please take care. The second major change in this release is
a quite noticable performance improvement which was more or less a side
effect of a bugfix...
0.9.5rc2 080714
- **API CHANGE/BUGFIX (major)**:
Upto 0.9.5rc1 any sheet resulting from parsing via any
``parse*`` function or ``CSSParser(raiseExceptions=False)`` (which also
was and is the default) resulted in the library simply logging any later
exceptions and not raising them. Until now the global setting of
``cssutils.log.raiseExceptions=True`` (the default) was overwritten with
the value of the CSSParser ``raiseExceptions`` setting which normally is
``False`` any time a ``cssutils.parse*`` function or
``CSSParser.parse*`` method was used. 0.9.5rc2 fixes this.
until 0.9.5rc1::
>>> # parsing does not raise errors
>>> s = cssutils.parseString('$') # empty but CSSStyleSheet
>>> # using DOM methods does **not raise either** but should:
>>> s.cssText = '$' # just logs:
ERROR CSSStyleRule: No start { of style declaration
found: u'$' [1:2: ]
from 0.9.5rc2::
>>> # parsing STILL does not raise errors
>>> s = cssutils.parseString('$') # empty but CSSStyleSheet
>>> # using DOM methods **does raise now though**
>>> s.cssText = '$' # raises:
xml.dom.SyntaxErr: CSSStyleRule: No start { of style
declaration found: u'$' [1:1: $]
To use the old but false behaviour add the following line at
the start to your program::
>>> cssutils.log.raiseExceptions = False # normally True
**This should only be done in specific cases** as normal
raising of exceptions in methods or functions with the CSS DOM is the
expected behaviour. **This setting may also be removed in the future so
use with care.**
- **BUGFIX**: Parsing of @rules like ``@mediaall ...`` does not
result in ``@media all ...`` anymore (so not a ``CSSMediaRule``) but
parses as ``@mediaall`` so a ``CSSUnknownRule``. The specification is
not too clear here but it seems this is the way to go. To help finding
typos like this probably is, for any found CSSUnknownRule (an unknown
@rule) a WARNING is emitted now (but never an exception raised). These
typos will most likely happen like e.g. ``@mediaall``, ``@importurl()``,
``@namespaceprefix"uri"`` or ``@pagename:left``.
- **BUGFIX**: Parsing of unicode escapes like ``\\abc`` followed by
CR/LF this is now correctly combined as only a single whitespace character.
- **BUGFIX**: Adding a malformed ``stylesheets.MediaQuery`` to a
``stylesheets.MediaList`` does fail now, e.g.::
>>> # invalid malformed medialist (missing comma):
>>> sheet = cssutils.parseString('@media tv INVALID {a
{top: 0;}}')
ERROR MediaQuery: Unexpected syntax. [1:11: INVALID]
ERROR MediaList: Invalid MediaQuery: tv INVALID
>>> # the actual rule exists but has default empty content,
this may be
changed later as it can be seen as a bug itself
>>> sheet.cssRules[0]
>>> sheet.cssText
>>> # BUT: Unknown media type but as it is valid does parse:
>>> sheet = cssutils.parseString('@media tv, UNKNOWN {a
{top: 0;}}')
WARNING MediaQuery: Unknown media type "UNKNOWN".
>>> sheet.cssRules[0]
cssutils.css.CSSMediaRule(mediaText=u'tv, UNKNOWN')
>>> sheet.cssText
'@media tv, UNKNOWN {\n a {\n top: 0\n }\n
- **BUGFIX**: References to ``MediaList`` in ``CSSImportRule`` and
``CSSMediaRule`` are kept now properly.
- BUGFIX: Deleting a ``MediaQuery`` item from a ``MediaList`` does
use the libs logging/raising settings instead of always raising
- **IMPROVEMENT**: Parsing performance has been improved (by about
25%, tested with a basic CSS of about 50 lines, so may not be
representative but this release definitely is faster ;). The following
changes have been done which should not impact any actual stylesheet:
+ A ``BOM`` token is recognized at the start of a stylesheet
only (may be swallowed by the CSS codec anyway).
+ A ``BOM`` token is not counted in the line/col reporting
anymore so the following token has a line and col of 1 now
+ Tests for tokenizing with css2productions has been removed
but this is never used in the library anyway
CSSValue, CSSValueList, and CSSPrimitiveValue and the relevant
methods/properties Property.cssValue and
CSSStyleDeclaration.getPropertyCSSValue are more or less DEPRECATED and
will probably be replaced with interfaces defined in CSSOM. For now use
the properties and methods that handle values as simple strings, e.g.
``Property.value``. As the aforementioned classes are not hardly that
useful anyway this should not be a big problem but please beware if you
use or have used them.
If you think this a bad idea please let me know!
cssutils is published under the LGPL version 3 or later, see
If you have other licensing needs please let me know.
For download options see
cssutils needs Python 2.4 or higher (tested with Python 2.5.2 on Vista only)
Bug reports (via Google code), comments, etc are very much appreciated!
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