TurboGears joins Google Summer of Code - Students Wanted!

Christopher Arndt chris.arndt at web.de
Thu Mar 20 03:01:23 CET 2008

Hello everybody,

the TurboGears team is very happy to announce that the project has been
accepted as a Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2008 mentoring organization.

This means that we are looking for students who are interested in
working on a TurboGears related project over the Summer and want to
become part of the avant-garde that is Python web development and Open
Source! Students who get accepted to the program will receive a US$ 
4,500 stipend over the course of the program!

We have listed a number of very interesting project suggestions
on our GSoC ideas page on the wiki [1]. If you want to work with the
TurboGears project, please go there and look for anything that kindles
you programming-itch or feel free to come up with your own project ideas
and discuss them with our mentors on the development mailing list! [2]

Student applications open next Monday, March 24 and end a week later on
Monday, March 31, 2008, so hurry up and get your project proposal and
application ready now!

If you are not a student, you can still get involved by becoming a
mentor or by us helping spread the word and attracting potential student
partipiciants. Watch out on the TurboGears mailing list [3] for a follow
up "Help wanted!" post, which will list a few ideas on how to promote
the GSoC idea and the TurboGears GSoC participation. In the meantime,
you can go to our central TurboGears GSoC page [4] for more information
and resources.

This is a fantastic opportunity for both students and the TurboGears
project. We hope that with the help of the students, Google, our GSoC
team and (who knows?) you, we can have a big share in advancing the
evolution of Python web frameworks!

Let there be code!

Chistopher Arndt
TurboGears GSoC project administrator <ghop at turbogears.org>

[1] http://docs.turbogears.org/GSoC/Ideas2008
[2] http://groups.google.com/group/turbogears-trunk
[3] http://groups.google.com/group/turbogears
[4] http://docs.turbogears.org/GSoC/

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