ANN: PyEnchant 1.5.0

Ryan Kelly ryan at
Tue Nov 25 13:35:20 CET 2008

Hi All,

  I'm pleased to announce the release of PyEnchant version 1.5.0.  This
release contains no API changes, but has a lot of new details under the

* Migrated from SWIG to ctypes for the C binding:
     * now runs under PyPy!
     * also opens possibilities for Jython, IronPython, ...
* Compatibility updates for Py3k, mostly around unicode strings
     * now runs under the latest Python 3 release candidate
* Dropped compatibility with Python 2.2




Enchant ( is the spellchecking
package behind the AbiWord word processor, is being considered for
inclusion in the KDE office suite, and is proposed as a standard. It's completely cross-platform because
it wraps the native spellchecking engine to provide a uniform

PyEnchant brings this simple, powerful and flexible spellchecking
engine to Python:

It also provides extended functionality including classes for tokenizing
text and iterating over the spelling errors in it, as well as a
ready-to-use text interface and wxPython dialog.

Current Version: 1.5.0
Licence: LGPL with exemptions, as per Enchant itself

Ryan Kelly  |  This message is digitally signed. Please visit
ryan at        | for details

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