Pydev 1.4.8 Released

Fabio Zadrozny fabio at
Fri Aug 21 15:36:34 CEST 2009

Hi All,

Pydev and Pydev Extensions 1.4.8 have been released

Details on Pydev Extensions:
Details on Pydev:
Details on its development:

Release Highlights in Pydev Extensions:

* Created public API for starting/finishing debug server
* Import based on unresolved variables works correctly when the
document is changed
* Ignore error works correctly when the document is changed
* No longer showing the replace button for the search

Release Highlights in Pydev:

* Debugger can jump to line
* Reloading module when code changes in the editor if inside debug session
* Usability improvement on the preferences pages (editor,
code-formatter, comment block and code-style showing examples)
* Pythonpath reported in the main tab was not correct for ironpython
launch configs
* Main module tab in launch configuration was not appearing for jython
* Multiline block comments considering the current indentation (and
working with tabs)
* Hover works correctly when the document is changed
* The interactive console no longer uses the UI thread (so, it doesn't
make eclipse halt anymore on slow requests to the shell)
* The interactive console save history now saves the contents in the
same way they're written
* When creating a python run, the classpath was being set (and
overridden), which should only happen in jython runs
* Fixed issue where a line with only tabs and a close parenthesis
would have additional tabs entered on code-formatting
* A Pydev (Jython) project can coexist with a JDT project (and
properly use its info -- only project references worked previously)
* Many small usability improvements (editors improved)
* Verbosity option added to run as unit-test
* No longer using respectJavaAccessibility=False for jython
* When there are too many items to show in the debugger, handle it gracefully

What is PyDev?

PyDev is a plugin that enables users to use Eclipse for Python, Jython
and Iron Python development -- making Eclipse a first class Python IDE
-- It comes with many goodies such as code completion, syntax
highlighting, syntax analysis, refactor, debug and many others.


Fabio Zadrozny
Software Developer


Pydev Extensions

Pydev - Python Development Environment for Eclipse

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