Open Research Computing in Python (June 25, 2010)

Jarrod Millman millman at
Tue Jun 22 21:58:29 CEST 2010


William Stein, Fernando Perez, and I are founding a non-profit
foundation for mathematical and scientific research computing. Our
purpose is to ensure unrestricted access to the best computational
tools for research and education in mathematics, science, and
engineering. Our aim is to do this primarily by fostering existing
efforts and communities. The foundation will initially focus on
Python, rather than other languages for scientific computing such as R
or Scilab. Despite this initial focus on Python, the foundation's
mission will not be merely to promote the use of Python in science.

Please join us for our first event on June 25th at the Mathematical
Sciences Research Institute (MSRI) in Berkeley, CA. The workshop is
free and lunch is provided. In order to make sure that we have enough
food, we are requiring anyone who wants to attend to RSVP by the end
of the day Wednesday, June 23rd by sending an email to
jarrod.millman+orcp2010 at

For more details, please see:


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