PyFPDF 1.54b: HTML rendering, templates and web2py integration

Mariano Reingart reingart at
Thu Sep 16 17:34:41 CEST 2010

PyFPDF is a library to generate PDF files really easy, using drawing
primitives, "flowable" cells for fluid sections, hooks to control page
header/footer and custom advanced extensions.  It is a port of FPDF

This release 1.54b contains:
 * basic HTML to PDF conversion to generate reports and listing using
tables, images, lists
 * template engine to make document like invoices, purchase orders,
labels, id cards, badges, certificates, etc.
 * web2py integration since version 1.85.2, enabling using HTML
helpers and DAL (data access layer) to easily build customizable PDF
 * minor bugfix, pep8 cleanup, multi_cell text splitting

More information, documentation, tutorials and sample applications:


Mariano Reingart

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