[ANNOUNCE] PySide 1.0.7 - "Beatriz": Python for Qt released!

Renato Araujo Oliveira Filho renato.filho at openbossa.org
Wed Sep 21 20:08:48 CEST 2011

The PySide team is proud to announce the new release version 1.0.7
of PySide project.

Major changes

. Memory consumption optimization;
. Bug Fixes;

About PySide

PySide is the Nokia-sponsored Python Qt bindings project, providing access to
not only the complete Qt 4.7 framework but also Qt Mobility, as well as to
generator tools for rapidly generating bindings for any C++ libraries.

The PySide project is developed in the open, with all facilities you'd expect
from any modern OSS project such as all code in a git repository [1], an open
Bugzilla [2] for reporting bugs, and an open design process [3]. We welcome
any contribution without requiring a transfer of copyright.

List of bugs fixed

996	Missing dependencies for QtWebKit in buildscripts for Fedora
986	Documentation links
985	Provide versioned pyside-docs zip file to help packagers
981	QSettings docs should empathize the behavior changes of value() on
different platforms
902	Expose Shiboken functionality through a Python module
997	QDeclarativePropertyMap doesn't work.
994	QIODevice.readData must use qmemcpy instead of qstrncpy
989	Pickling QColor fails
987	Disconnecting a signal that has not been connected
973	shouldInterruptJavaScript slot override is never called
966	QX11Info.display() missing
959	can't pass QVariant to the QtWebkit bridge
1006 Segfault in QLabel init
1002 Segmentation fault on PySide/Spyder exit
998	Segfault with Spyder after switching to another app
995	QDeclarativeView.itemAt returns faulty reference. (leading to SEGFAULT)
990	Segfault when trying to disconnect a signal that is not connected
975	Possible memory leak
991	The __repr__ of various types is broken
988	The type supplied with  currentChanged signal in QTabWidget has
changed in 1.0.6


The files can be downloaded from PySide download page[4]


[1] http://qt.gitorious.org/pyside
[2] http://bugs.openbossa.org/
[3] http://www.pyside.org/docs/pseps/psep-0001.html
[4] http://developer.qt.nokia.com/wiki/PySideDownloads

PySide Team

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