TreePyO 0.1 - Object Hierarcy Tree Navigator for Python - Initial Release

Imran Geriskovan imran.geriskovan at
Sat Nov 3 03:52:00 CET 2012

I'd like to announce the initial release of
TreePyO: Object Hierarcy Tree Navigator for Python

TreePyO enables visual navigation of full object hierarcy within a Python
runtime. It is ideal for grasping the internals an application. Objects,
members, classes, functions, modules, lists, dicts, etc; namely, any object
hierarcy can be navigated as they are alive.


TreePyO is released under the terms of MIT license. Please see LICENSE.txt

- Python >= 3.2
- GObject Introspection (GIR)
- Python GIR bindings
- GTK3

On Debian or Ubuntu systems issue the following command.
(Adjust versions for current releases if needed)::

    apt-get install python3-gi gir1.2-gtk-3.0


- For a demo, just run the file ''. Object tree will appear with
  two root nodes: 1) '__main__' module 2) the window itself. Browsing the tree
  is trivial. However, familarity with Python internals is recommended.
  Please see:

- "Find as you type" search is available for expanded nodes.

- Collapsing and reexpanding an object node refreshes the children.

- TreePyO class inherits from Gtk.ScrolledWindow. You can use it like any
  other widget in your projects.


- Decide on the standard view of a Python Environment. (40%)

- A primitive context menu is provided.
  Decide on its use for standard view. (10%)

- Compile use cases as a widget. Provide patterns for customizing the tree,
  context menu and actions. (0%)

Forks are welcome..

Best Regards,
Imran Geriskovan

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