rbit py at
Mon Jan 7 23:37:07 CET 2013

I would like to announce Datagram Transport Layer Security for
Python. From the top of the project README:

PyDTLS brings Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS - RFC 6347: to the Python environment. In a
nutshell, DTLS brings security (encryption, server authentication,
user authentication, and message authentication) to UDP datagram
payloads in a manner equivalent to what SSL/TLS does for TCP stream

DTLS is now very easy to use in Python. If you're familiar with the
ssl module in Python's standard library, you already know how. All it
takes is passing a datagram/UDP socket to the *wrap_socket* function
instead of a stream/TCP socket. Here's how one sets up the client side
of a connection:

    import ssl
    from socket import socket, AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM
    from dtls import do_patch
    sock = ssl.wrap_socket(socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM))
    sock.connect(('', 1234))
    sock.send('Hi there')

The project is hosted at, and licensed under
the Apache license 2.0. PyPI has packages. I can be reached
at code AT liquibits DOT com for questions, feedback, etc.

<P><A HREF="">Dtls 0.1.0</A> -
      Datagram Transport Layer Security for Python.  (07-Jan-13)

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