Michael McKerns
mmckerns at caltech.edu
Thu Nov 28 00:20:30 CET 2013
dill: serialize all of python (almost)
# Version
0.2b1: 11/27/13
The latest released version is dill-0.2b1, available at:
You can get the latest development release with all the shiny new features
or even better, fork us on our github mirror of the svn trunk:
# Highlights
Dill can pickle the following standard types::
- none, type, bool, int, long, float, complex, str, unicode,
- tuple, list, dict, file, buffer, builtin,
- both old and new style classes,
- instances of old and new style classes,
- set, frozenset, array, lambda,
- standard functions, functions with yields, nested functions
- cell, method, unboundmethod, module, code, methodwrapper
- dictproxy, methoddescriptor, getsetdescriptor, memberdescriptor,
- wrapperdescriptor, xrange, slice,
- notimplemented, ellipsis, quit
- ... and more
Dill also provides the capability to::
- save and load python interpreter sessions
- save and extract the source code from functions and classes
- interactively diagnose pickling errors
# Features since 0.2a1:
- improved stability
- reduced import time
- fixes for distributions with missing std lib modules
- dump_session serializes new-style classes (*)
# Thanks:
Thanks to everyone who contributed, in particular thanks to Tom Stepleton
for the new-style class fix (*). The authors of dill also thank the UQ
Foundation, the Caltech PSAAP project, the ExMatEx project, the AFOSR, the
NSF and DOE for their recent support.
Mike McKerns
California Institute of Technology
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