ANN: Bokeh 0.6.1 release
Damian Avila
damian.avila at
Fri Sep 26 05:34:36 CEST 2014
On behalf of the Bokeh team, I am very happy to announce the release of
Bokeh version 0.6.1!
Bokeh is a Python library for visualizing large and realtime datasets on
the web. Its goal is to provide to developers (and domain experts) with
capabilities to easily create novel and powerful visualizations that
extract insight from local or remote (possibly large) data sets, and to
easily publish those visualization to the web for others to explore and
interact with.
This point release includes several bug fixes and improvements over our
most recent 0.6.0 release:
* Toolbar enhancements
* bokeh-server fixes
* Improved documentation
* Button widgets
* Google map support in the Python side
* Code cleanup in the JS side and examples
* New examples
See the CHANGELOG for full details.
In upcoming releases, you should expect to see more new layout capabilities
(colorbar axes, better grid plots and improved annotations), additional
tools, even more widgets and more charts, R language bindings, Blaze
integration and cloud hosting for Bokeh apps.
Don't forget to check out the full documentation, interactive gallery, and
tutorial at
as well as the Bokeh IPython notebook nbviewer index (including all the
tutorials) at:
If you are using Anaconda or miniconda, you can install with conda:
conda install bokeh
Alternatively, you can install with pip:
pip install bokeh
BokehJS is also available by CDN for use in standalone javascript
Issues, enhancement requests, and pull requests can be made on the Bokeh
Github page:
Questions can be directed to the Bokeh mailing list: bokeh at
If you have interest in helping to develop Bokeh, please get involved!
Damián Avila
damian.avila at
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