ANN fuzzing 0.3.0 - Tools for stress testing applications.

Stefan Braun s.braun at
Sun Feb 1 15:16:03 CET 2015

fuzzing: tools for stress testing arbitrary applications.

Stress testing of applications can be done in lots of different ways.
This package provides an easy to use tool to stress test applications which take files
as parameters. Editors, image viewers, and many more classes of apps come to mind.

The stress test is based on a given set of files, binary or text. Those files are taken
randomly and some bytes are modified also randomly (fuzzing). Then the application gets
executed with the fuzzed file. Repeating this over and over again stresses the robustness
for defective input data of the application.

Tutorial and API documentation can be found on ReadTheDocs:

fuzzing works with Python 3 (3.3, 3.4, and PyPy3 tested).

What's new?

Now you can run your tests in multiple processes. Test results are combined and printed.

New features:

* Run multiple tests in parallel on multiple processors. Number of processors and processes is configurable.
* Test statistics of the processes are merged and printed.

API changes:

* FuzzExecutor.stats returns an instance of TestStatCounter, not a simple dict anymore.

You may want to look into TestStatCounter and Status.
See also for intended usage.


Have fun breaking your apps ;-)


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