ANN: Bokeh 0.10.0 released!

Damian Avila damian.avila at
Mon Sep 28 18:55:30 CEST 2015

Hi all,

On behalf of the *Bokeh team*, I am excited to announce the release of
version *0.10.0* of *Bokeh*, an interactive web plotting library for
Python... and other languages!

This release was focused into provide several new features such as webgl
support, a new refactored and more powerful chart interface and responsive
plots. But we are also shipping a lot of bug-fixes and enhancements in our
documentation, testing and build machineries and examples.

Some of the highlights from this release are:

* Initial webgl support (check our new examples: maps city, iris blend,
scatter 10K,
* New charts interface supporting aggregation (see our new Bars, BoxPlot,
Histogram and Scatter examples)
* Responsive plots
* Lower-level jsresources & cssresources (allow more subtle uses of
* Several test machinery fixes
* Several build machinery enhancements
* More pytest-related fixes and enhancements
* More docs fixes and enhancements
* Now the glyph methods return the glyph renderer (not the plot)
* Gmap points moves consistently
* Added alpha control for imageurl objects
* Removed python33 testing and packaging
* Removed multiuserblazeserver

See the CHANGELOG <>
for full details.

If you are using Anaconda/miniconda, you can install it with conda:

    *conda install bokeh*

or directly from our Anaconda Cloud main channel with:

    *conda install -c bokeh bokeh*

Alternatively, you can also install it with pip:

    *pip install bokeh*

If you want to use *Bokeh* in standalone Javascript applications, *BokehJS*
is available by CDN at:


Additionally, *BokehJS* is also installable with the Node Package Manager

Issues, enhancement requests, and pull requests can be made on the *Bokeh*
Github page:

Documentation is available at

Questions can be directed to the *Bokeh* mailing list: bokeh at

We also have a new "*general*" channel available at Slack:
*Note*: This is an *unsupported* place where users can congregate and
self-support or share experiences.
The *supported* place by default is the Bokeh mailing list.



*Damián Avila*
*Software Developer*

*davila at <davila at>*

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