pytest-logger 0.1.3 released

Krzysztof Laskowski krzysztof.laskowski.1986 at
Thu Dec 29 13:40:51 EST 2016

Hi All,

I'd like to announce pytest-logger - pytest plugin handling stdlib logs.

Why yet another logging plugin?

* logs to filesystem in fine-grained way: per-logger and per-testcase
* logs to terminal in real-time: filtering by logger and level
* uses pytest hooks as user API, which leaves cmdline at user's disposal

Code, docs, pypi, etc. may be found via badges on github page:

I'm open to feedback and suggestions, which I'd happily receive via mail 
or github issues.

Best Regards,
Krzysztof Laskowski

<P><A HREF="">pytest-logger 
- Pytest plugin configuring handlers for loggers from Python logging 
module. (29-Dec-16)

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