Are you interested in distinguishing between assertion violations and other kinds of failures in test cases?

Venkatesh Prasad Ranganath rvprasad at
Mon May 30 20:37:01 EDT 2016

Currently, pytest flags a test case as failed if there is either an
uncaught exception or an assertion violation during the execution of the
test case.  This conflates failures in the UUT or the test case (that do
not pertain to the property being tested) as violation of the property
being tested.

This issue is addressed by *pytest-finer-verdicts* plugin.  The plugin
changes the reporting scheme to report assertion violations as test
failures (F) and other kinds of failures as test errors (E).

The plugin is available on PyPI --

We hope you find the plugin useful.

Venkatesh-Prasad Ranganath

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