Support the PSF during the 2018 Fundraising Drive!
Betsy Waliszewski
betsy at
Thu Apr 19 10:02:09 EDT 2018
The PSF just launched an exciting fundraising drive with a goal of raising
$20,000.00 USD by May 12th. The drive began April 16, 2018, and concludes
at PyCon on May 12th.
Your donations help the Python community worldwide by supporting sprints,
meetups, community events and projects, the Python Ambassador Program,
fiscal sponsorships, and of course, software development and open source
projects. All of these initiatives help improve the Python community and
Python tools that you use daily. The work cannot be done without the
generous financial support that individuals and organizations provide us.
It is easy to donate - simply click on the amount you would like to give,
and enter your email address. Confirm your contribution and you will be
able to pay with your PayPal account or a credit or debit card.
Contributions are tax deductible for individuals and organizations in the
United States.
To thank you for your financial support, we will enter you in a drawing to
win the following prizes:
- Ticket to PyCon 2019 (1 winner)
- Photos with Guido van Rossum at PyCon 2018 (must be present to win)
- Lunch with Guido van Rossum at PyCon 2018 (8 winners, must be present
to win)
- Custom designed Guido T-Shirt (5 winners)
- “I Donated” stickers
- Custom designed “Guido” stickers
More details on contributing can be found on the 2018 Q2 Fundraising Drive
page <>. No donation is
necessary to enter the drawing.
We at the PSF want to thank you for all that you do. Your support is what
makes the PSF possible and is greatly appreciated by the Python community.
Also, if you would like to share the news about the PSF’s Fundraising
drive, please share one of the tweets below:
*Are you feeling lucky? Help us reach our goal of $20K by contributing to
our fundraiser by May 12! As a thank-you, we'll enter you into our drawing
to win awesome prizes!
<> #idonatedtothepsf*
*Contribute to our fundraiser & help us reach our goal of $20K. The PSF is
a non-profit organization entirely supported by its sponsors, members, and
the public.
<> #idonatedtothepsf*
Thank you again for your support and for sharing information about our
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