SatPy 0.9.1 Released

David Hoese dhoese at
Sun Aug 19 19:01:05 EDT 2018

On behalf of the PyTroll community I am please to announce the release 
of SatPy 0.9.1. This release includes many bug fixes collected over the 
last month since the 0.9.0 release.

SatPy is a python library for reading and manipulating meteorological 
remote sensing data and writing it to various image and data file 
formats. SatPy comes with the ability to make various RGB composites 
directly from satellite instrument channel data or higher level 
processing output. The pyresample package 
( is used to resample data 
to different uniform areas or grids. Various atmospheric corrections and 
visual enhancements are also provided, either directly in SatPy or from 
those in the PySpectral ( 
and TrollImage ( packages. 
SatPy uses the xarray and dask libraries for processing data over 
multiple threads; allowing computations to complete in minutes on user 

The PyTroll community is a group of researchers, scientists, and 
programmers from around the world who work together to build tools for 
processing data from remote sensing satellites and other meteorological 
data sources.

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