ANN: SMIL - Small Morphological Image Library

Jose-Marcio Martins da Cruz jose-marcio.martins at
Fri Jan 25 04:47:28 EST 2019

Announcement: SMIL 0.9.1

Hi all,

I'm pleased to announce SMIL - Simple Morphological Image Library - v. 0.9.1

SMIL is a library with all basic and some advanced mathematical morphology features which can be extended with plugins 
and user modules.

Among its features it can handle 2D and 3D images and can handle data from/to NumPy data.

It's been developed in C++ and has a Python interface thanks to Swig.

SMIL is a product of CMM, the research Center of Mathematical Morphology of Mines-Paristech, where the discipline of 
Mathematical Morphology was created in the 60's by Jean Serra and Georges Matheron.

SMIL is distributed with GPL license.

We use SMIL in our research and teaching activities in the field and may, eventually, be used besides scikit-image.

You can find SMIL - binaries and documentation - at our web site :

or the source code at :




  Jose Marcio MARTINS DA CRUZ, Ph.D.
  Ecole des Mines de Paris
  CMM - Centre de Morphologie Mathématique
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