[Python-authors] Author Python Book - Packt Publishing

Sunny Kansara sunnyk at packtpub.com
Wed Dec 16 13:52:13 CET 2009

Hi All,

I represent Packt Publishing, the publishers of computer related books.

We are planning to publish a new book on wxPython which will teach the 
Python developers who want to quickly use wxPython to create programs 
with high functional GUI's and currently we are looking out for some 
potential authors to write this book.

We pay a royalty of 16% and an advance against it.

An ideal candidate to author this book will be someone with an 
experience in wxPython. He/She should be able to communicate his/her 
thoughts clearly in English. Past writing experience will be an 
advantage though not mandatory.

If you are interested in authoring this book, please write to me with a 
brief information about your experience with wxPython and any past 
writing experience you may have..

*Sunny Kansara*
Author Relationship Executive
Packt Publishing
www.PacktPub.com <http://www.PacktPub.com>
Skype: sunnyk
MSN: sunny_packt at hotmail.com
Interested in becoming an author? Visit http://authors.packtpub.com for 
all the information you need about writing for Packt.
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