[Python-bugs-list] 3 failed tests after install (PR#119)
Tim Peters
Wed, 27 Oct 1999 23:22:38 -0400
[Jerald s brodkey [mailto:jsb@brodkey.com]]
> Thanks for the answer. I recompiled it without optimization and
> now and now all tests passed except test_socket which is to be expected.
OK! See
for a thread about the cause and the cure (it's a known compiler bug).
> However:
> Guido also sent an answer and asked if I would run the following
> interactively:
> sys.maxint
> -sys.maxint-1
> long(-sys.maxint-1)
> int(long(-sys.maxint-1))
> I did that on the system compiled with optimization as well as the new one
> without.
> All give same output:
> Traceback (innermost last):
> File"<stdin>" line 1, in ?
> NameError: sys
> I gather this is a problem?
Na, it just appears you've never used Python before. Spend a little time
reading the tutorial -- you'll like it! What Guido didn't tell you (because
any Python programmer would know this) is that you first need to enter the
import sys
Until you do that, the name "sys" doesn't mean anything to Python, and
that's why you're getting the NameError exceptions. See the thread
referenced above for the kind of output you *should* see when you enter