[Python-bugs-list] rfc822 (PR#358)

jbearce@copeland.com jbearce@copeland.com
Thu, 15 Jun 2000 19:37:02 -0400 (EDT)

Full_Name: Jim Bearce
Version: 1.5.2
OS: RedHat Linux 6.2
Submission from: corporate.copeland.com (

For very long headers returned from a web server rfc822.readheaders does not
correctly build the header.

The following patch fixes it in my situation but I don't know if I broke
anything else:

Example Header:

Location: https://www.website.com:443/tengah/Dpc/vContent.jhtml?page_type=3&PLANID=4&CONTENTPAGEID=0&TengahSession=312442259237-529/2748412123003458168/-1407548368/4/7002/7002/7004/7004

This ends up as


and the rest of the header (along with any headers following this one) get
returned as part of the message.

--- /usr/lib/python1.5/rfc822.py.orig   Thu Jun 15 19:35:42 2000
+++ /usr/lib/python1.5/rfc822.py        Thu Jun 15 19:36:00 2000
@@ -125,6 +125,7 @@
         self.status = ''
         headerseen = ""
         firstline = 1
+        lastheader = ''
         startofline = unread = tell = None
         if hasattr(self.fp, 'unread'):
             unread = self.fp.unread
@@ -150,16 +151,22 @@
             elif self.iscomment(line):
                 # It's a comment.  Ignore it.
+               lastheader = ''
             elif self.islast(line):
                 # Note! No pushback here!  The delimiter line gets eaten.
+               lastheader = ''
             headerseen = self.isheader(line)
             if headerseen:
                 # It's a legal header line, save it.
                 self.dict[headerseen] = string.strip(line[len(headerseen)+2:])
+               lastheader = headerseen
+            elif lastheader:
+               list.append(line)
+               self.dict[lastheader] = self.dict[lastheader] +
                 # It's not a header line; throw it back and stop here.
                 if not self.dict: