[Python-bugs-list] [ python-Bugs-454843 ] Python2.x sre and threaded import lockin
Thu, 23 Aug 2001 21:20:52 -0700
Bugs item #454843, was opened at 2001-08-23 20:40
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Category: Threads
>Group: None
Status: Open
Resolution: None
>Priority: 4
Submitted By: Joe Kelly (jpkelly)
>Assigned to: Fredrik Lundh (effbot)
Summary: Python2.x sre and threaded import lockin
Initial Comment:
There appears to be a bug in the way Python2.x does
import locking on
sre. This is illustrated by the following code
$ cat retest
$ cat ret.py
import time, thread, string
#import time, thread
import re
#import pre
def mythread():
url = "hello there"
url = re.sub(" ", '', url)
print "hello from threadland", url
thread.start_new_thread(mythread, ())
url = "hello main there"
url = re.sub(" ", '', url)
print "main", url
print "goodbye", url
If you run retest as shown above you get:
$ retest
main hellomainthere
goodbye hellomainthere
It never runs the code in the thread.
If you run python on ret.pyc directly you get the
$ python ret.pyc
main hellomainthere
hello from threadland hellothere
goodbye hellomainthere
If you replace sre with pre by commenting out line 5
and uncommenting
out line 6 and 7 it works correctly/as expected:
$ retest
main hellomainthere
hello from threadland hellothere
goodbye hellomainthere
I've also noticed some strange interaction with other
imports, i.e. if
you go back to the original ret.py and comment out
line 3 and
uncomment line 4 (just don't import the string module)
you get the
$ retest
main hellomainthere
goodbye hellomainthere
hello from threadland hellothere
That is the thread gets executed at the end or
sometimes not at all:
$ retest
main hellomainthere
goodbye hellomainthere
Again, calling ret directly seems to work.
$ python ret.pyc
main hellomainthere
hello from threadland hellothere
goodbye hellomainthere
This has been tested on Solaris 8 running on Intel:
$ uname -a
SunOS machine 5.8 Generic_108529-07 i86pc i386 i86pc
It also exhibits the same behavior under Linux:
$ uname -a
Linux machine 2.4.2-2smp #1 SMP Sun Apr 8 20:21:34 EDT
2001 i686 unknown
The above output was generated by python 2.0 compiled
with threading
$ python
Python 2.0 (#1, May 13 2001, 00:55:08)
[GCC 2.95.2 19991024 (release)] on sunos5
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more
It exhibits the same behavior under python 2.1.1:
$ python
Python 2.1.1 (#22, Aug 20 2001, 17:12:35)
[GCC 2.95.2 19991024 (release)] on sunos5
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more
>Comment By: Tim Peters (tim_one)
Date: 2001-08-23 21:20
Logged In: YES
Assigned to Fredrik, but as I said on c.l.py, never write a
module that spawns threads as a side effect of merely being
imported. Everything you're chasing is an accident, and
while /F may or may not bother worming around this one,
you're going to get in trouble over and over again. I've
reduced the priority accordingly.
/F, the immediate cause for this one is the
import sre_parse
in the body of sre_compile.compile(), which is reached in
the spawned thread via calling re.sub(). Since the
module "ret" is itself imported, the main thread doing the
import of "ret" holds the import lock for the duration.
This causes the spawned thread (created by merely
importing "ret", and there's no proper synchronization in
the test case either, so accidents compound) to block on
any import attempt. In particular, the spawned thread
blocks on the line shown above. Worm around that, and it
blocks somewhere else later; etc. In *general* it's
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