[Python-bugs-list] [Bug #131653] compile.py, mentioned in documentation, unaccessible

noreply@sourceforge.net noreply@sourceforge.net
Fri, 09 Feb 2001 16:00:07 -0800

Bug #131653, was updated on 2001-Feb-08 21:56
Here is a current snapshot of the bug.

Project: Python
Category: Documentation
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Bug Group: None
Priority: 5
Submitted by: nobody
Assigned to : fdrake
Summary: compile.py, mentioned in documentation, unaccessible

Details: In "Extending and Embedding the Python Interpreter" section 3.1
(reference for Windows platform) refers to getting David Ascher's
"compile.py" from http://starship.python.net/crew/da/compile/

This link is dead.  I have tried to follow this up with David Ascher, but
haven't received a response.  So, after a couple of days waiting, I am
submitting it here as a bug in the documentation.


Date: 2001-Feb-09 16:00
By: tim_one

Assigned to Fred.

For detailed info, follow this link: