[Python-bugs-list] [Bug #132136] traceback module gets out of sync source lines
Tue, 13 Feb 2001 02:48:52 -0800
Bug #132136, was updated on 2001-Feb-12 21:19
Here is a current snapshot of the bug.
Project: Python
Category: Python Library
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Bug Group: None
Priority: 5
Submitted by: nobody
Assigned to : gvanrossum
Summary: traceback module gets out of sync source lines
Details: the line numbers printed by the traceback module
can get out of sync when modules are reload()ed.
this is confusing.
it seems to me the simplest solution is to disable caching of the source
files altogether, since printing tracebacks is not often a very performance
critical task.
-- erno@iki.fi
Date: 2001-Feb-13 02:48
By: tim_one
Assigned to Guido, cuz this stuff is tricky but more importantly is his
<wink>. I note that IDLE's PyShell.py does some very evil stuff to
overwrite linecache.checkcache -- but AFAICT linecache.checkcache is never
called by anything in the entire distribution. That would go a long way
toward explaining why the cache gets stale ... and linecache.py clearly
isn't threadsafe either, but that's a bug for another day ...
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