[Python-bugs-list] [Bug #133200] cPickle does not use Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS.

noreply@sourceforge.net noreply@sourceforge.net
Tue, 20 Feb 2001 19:33:22 -0800

Bug #133200, was updated on 2001-Feb-20 00:12
Here is a current snapshot of the bug.

Project: Python
Category: Threads
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Bug Group: None
Priority: 5
Submitted by: ianbanks
Assigned to : dcjim
Summary: cPickle does not use Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS.

Details: This bug refers to:

Revision 2.54 (In SourceForge)

The use of fread (line 506) and fwrite (line 410) are not wrapped by

This causes certain uses of cPickle in threaded programs to deadlock, where
pickle does not.


Date: 2001-Feb-20 19:33
By: ianbanks

 2: import socket, thread, cPickle
 4: def Consumer(socketname):
 5:     print "Consumer: (Client) Starting"
 6:     client = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
 7:     client.connect(socketname)
 8:     file = client.makefile("rb+")
10:     print "Consumer: Loading File"
11:     print "Consumer: Loaded " + cPickle.load(file)
12:     print "Consumer: Done"
14: def Producer(socketname):
15:     # Create the Server socket.
16:     print "Producer: (Server) Starting"
17:     server = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX,  socket.SOCK_STREAM)
18:     server.bind(socketname)
19:     server.listen(5)
21:     # Accept a connection and create a file  object.
22:     newsocket, peer = server.accept()
23:     print "Producer: Connection Accepted"
24:     newfile = newsocket.makefile("rb+")
26:     # Dump a pickled object.
27:     print "Producer: Dumping File"
28:     cPickle.dump("Testing", newfile, 1)
29:     print "Producer: Done"
31: socketname = "/tmp/testsocket"
32: thread.start_new_thread(Producer,  (socketname,))
33: thread.start_new_thread(Consumer, (socketname,))
34: while 1:
35:     # Busy wait.
36:     pass

I think this locks up because of this sequence:

Both threads become runnable, and the Producer runs from line 15 to just
after line 24. The context switches to the Consumer and runs from line 5 to
line 11, blocking on the read() (and the underlying fread in cThreads). The
Producer tries to aquire the global lock, the Consumer waits on the "data
available" condition.

The lock-up doesn't always occur. On some systems it's easy to reproduce,
others seems to hide it.

Is it poor practice to assume simple I/O in threads won't block the entire
process? That would seem to imply that things like ThreadingMixIn derived
servers were technically subject to denial of service, and that looped-back
connections were unsafe.

It occurs on:

 o Linux 2.2.17-RAID / glibc 2.2.1 / Intel
 o Linux 2.2.18 (SMP) / glibc 2.1.3 / Intel
 o Linux 2.2.17pre4-RAI / glibc 2.1.3 / Intel


Date: 2001-Feb-20 13:17
By: tim_one

Releasing the global lock across I/O operations is never done to prevent
deadlocks, it's to let the OS overlap I/O with computation (or other I/O)
in some other thread.

OTOH, if the stream is connected to some network resource, it's possible
for the I/O to hang for external reasons, and without releasing the global
lock then the whole app hangs.  While not technically a deadlock, it
probably sure *looks* like one <wink>.

Jim, if you don't object, I'd be happy to put in global lock fiddling here
where appropriate (just reassign the bug report to me in that case).


Date: 2001-Feb-20 11:54
By: fdrake

Can you provide an example that actually deadlocks?  Please provide
platform information as well.

cPckle certainly could be more thread-friendly in the way that you suggest,
but it should not actually deadlock either.

For detailed info, follow this link: