[Python-bugs-list] [Bug #128830] re is greedy with non-greedy operator

noreply@sourceforge.net noreply@sourceforge.net
Mon, 15 Jan 2001 17:10:17 -0800

Bug #128830, was updated on 2001-Jan-15 03:31
Here is a current snapshot of the bug.

Project: Python
Category: Regular Expressions
Status: Closed
Resolution: Wont Fix
Bug Group: None
Priority: 5
Submitted by: beroul
Assigned to : effbot
Summary: re is greedy with non-greedy operator

Details: In the program below, the pattern "<!--.*?-->" is used to match an
SGML comment.  Despite the use of the non-greedy operator '?', re fails to
find the shortest possible match, which would be the comment preceding
"<!ELEMENT bar..."; instead, it uses all the text preceding "<!ELEMENT
bar..." as the match for the comment pattern.


import re

dtd_text = """
The oranges attribute.

The bar element.

element_pattern = re.compile(r"(?P<comment><!--.*?-->\s+)"

match = element_pattern.search(dtd_text)

if match:
    print "Matched comment:"
    print "----------------"
    print match.group("comment")
    print "Matched tag text:"
    print "-----------------"
    print match.group("tag_text")
    print "No match found."


Date: 2001-Jan-15 17:10
By: beroul

OK, in that case, it might be helpful to clarify the documentation, which
says that when you use ".*?", "as few characters as possible will be
matched", i.e. that you will in fact get the shortest possible match.


Date: 2001-Jan-15 13:50
By: tim_one

FYI, POSIX semantics also matches at the leftmost-possible position (and
then finds the longest (or shortest) possible match at that point, without
regard to the ordering of alternatives etc -- it's the latter point where
the semantics differ from Perl/Python/Emacs/etc).  I don't know of any
regexp implementation that acts the way beroul expected.  He could use
re.findall() to find all the comments and then pick the shortest himself,


Date: 2001-Jan-15 09:04
By: effbot

Python's RE search method doesn't look for the shortest possible match, it
looks for the *first* possible match.

(or in other words, Python provide Perl-style semantics, not POSIX

Date: 2001-Jan-15 03:49
By: beroul

Actually, here's a minimal example: given the string "<a><b>foo", the
pattern "<.*?>foo" will match the entire string, when it should match only


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