[Python-bugs-list] [Bug #129345] Section 4.6, Minor grammatical error

noreply@sourceforge.net noreply@sourceforge.net
Fri, 19 Jan 2001 07:45:48 -0800

Bug #129345, was updated on 2001-Jan-18 19:58
Here is a current snapshot of the bug.

Project: Python
Category: Documentation
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Bug Group: None
Priority: 5
Submitted by: andrewwhite
Assigned to : fdrake
Summary: Section 4.6, Minor grammatical error

Details: http://www.python.org/doc/2.0/tut/node6.html
Tutorial, Section 4.6

The return statement returns with a value from a function. return without
an expression argument is used to return from the middle of a procedure
(falling off the end also returns from a procedure), in which case the
None value is returned.

which I don't think means what it says (which is that return from the
middle of a proc returns None).

Is suspect this would read better as:
... from the middle of a procedure.  Falling off the end also returns
a procedure, in which case the None value is returned.

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