[Python-bugs-list] [Bug #130030] Claim of bad betavariate algorithm
Thu, 25 Jan 2001 22:34:26 -0800
Bug #130030, was updated on 2001-Jan-25 03:03
Here is a current snapshot of the bug.
Project: Python
Category: Python Library
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Bug Group: None
Priority: 5
Submitted by: tim_one
Assigned to : tim_one
Summary: Claim of bad betavariate algorithm
Details: From c.l.py. Beats me, but sounds credible. random.py cites
Discrete Event Simulation in C, pp 87-88, for its algorithm.
[Janne Sinkkonen (mailto:janne@mansikka.nnets.fi)]
At least in Python 2.0 and earlier, the samples returned by the function
betavariate() of random.py are not from a beta distribution although the
function name misleadingly suggests so.
The following would give beta-distributed samples:
def betavariate(alpha, beta):
y = gammavariate(alpha,1)
if y==0: return 0.0
else: return y/(y+gammavariate(beta,1))
This is from matlab. A comment in the original matlab code refers to
Devroye, L. (1986) Non-Uniform Random Variate Generation, theorem 4.1A (p.
430). Another reference would be Gelman, A. et al. (1995) Bayesian data
analysis, p. 481, which I have checked and found to agree with the code
Date: 2001-Jan-25 22:34
By: tim_one
And my reply:
[Ivan Frohne]
> I'm convinced that Janne Sinkkonen is right: The beta distribution
> generator in module random.py does not return Beta-distributed random
> numbers. Janne's suggested fix should work just fine.
Which is (for reference):
def betavariate(alpha, beta):
y = gammavariate(alpha,1)
if y==0: return 0.0
else: return y/(y+gammavariate(beta,1))
> Here's my guess on how and why this bug bit -- it won't be of interest
> to most but this subject is so obscure sometimes that there needs to
> be a detailed analysis.
> ...
Which I'll skip, since it's immortalized already in c.l.py and the bug
> ...
> The corrected equation for a beta random variable, using Watkins'
> definition of the gamma density, is
> brv(A, B) = grv(A, 1) / ( grv(A, 1) + grv(1/B, 1) ),
> which translates to
> brv(A, B) = grv(A, 1) / (grv(A, 1) + grv(B, 1)
> using the more common gamma density definition (the one used in random.
> py).
Now that seems plain wrong, although I hope it's just typographical
1. You don't really mean to generate two independent instances of grv(A,
1), right?
2. The parens around the summand denominator have magically disappeared,
changing something of the form X/(X+Y) to (X/X)+Y.
> Many standard statistical references give this equation -- two are
> "Non-Uniform random Variate Generation," by Luc Devroye, Springer-Verlag,
> 1986, p. 432, and "Monte Carlo Concepts, Algorithms and Applications,"
> by George S. Fishman, Springer, 1996, p. 200.
So does Knuth, Vol 3 Ed 3 (in the X/(X+Y) form), although he's not careful
(as was Janne) to avoid division by 0. So I'll check in Janne's code
Thank you for the analysis! It was an enlightening help.
Date: 2001-Jan-25 22:19
By: tim_one
c.l.py post by Ivan Frohne:
I'm convinced that Janne Sinkkonen is right: The beta distribution
generator in module random.py does not return Beta-distributed random
numbers. Janne's suggested fix should work just fine.
Here's my guess on how and why this bug bit -- it won't be of interest to
most but this subject is so obscure sometimes that there needs to be a
detailed analysis.
The probability density function of the gamma distribution with (positive)
parameters A and B is usually written
g(x; A, B) = (x**(A-1) * exp(x/B)) / (Gamma(A) * B**A), where x, A, and
B > 0.
Here Gamma(A) is the gamma function -- for A a positive integer, Gamma(A)
is the factorial of A - 1, Gamma(A) = (A-1)!. In fact, this is the
definition used by the authors of random.py in defining gammavariate(alpha,
beta), the gamma distribution random number generator.
Now it happens that a gamma-distributed random variable with parameters A =
1 and B has the (much simpler) exponential distribution with density
g(x; 1, B) = exp(-x/B) / B.
Keep that in mind.
The reference "Discrete Event Simulation in ," by Kevin Watkins
(McGraw-Hill, 1993) was consulted by the random.py authors. But this
reference defines the gamma probability distribution a little differently,
g1(x; A, B) = (B**A * x**(A-1) * exp(B*x)) / Gamma(A), where x, A, B >
(See p. 85). On page 87, Watkins states (incorrectly) that if grv(A, B) is
a function which returns a gamma random variable with parameters A and B
(using his definition on p. 85), then the function
brv(A, B) = grv(1, 1/B) / ( grv(1, 1/B) + grv(1, A) ) [ not true!]
will return a random variable which has the beta distribution with
parameters A and B.
Believing Watkins to be correct, the random.py authors remembered that a
gamma random variable with parameter A = 1 is just an exponential random
variable and further simplified their beta generator to
brv(A, B) = erv(1/B) / (erv(1/B) + erv(A)), where erv(K) is a random
having the exponential distribution with parameter K.
The corrected equation for a beta random variable, using Watkins'
definition of the gamma density, is
brv(A, B) = grv(A, 1) / ( grv(A, 1) + grv(1/B, 1) ),
which translates to
brv(A, B) = grv(A, 1) / (grv(A, 1) + grv(B, 1)
using the more common gamma density definition (the one used in random.py).
Many standard statistical references give this equation -- two are
"Non-Uniform random Variate Generation," by Luc Devroye, Springer-Verlag,
1986, p. 432, and "Monte Carlo Concepts, Algorithms and Applications," by
George S. Fishman, Springer, 1996, p. 200.
--Ivan Frohne
Date: 2001-Jan-25 13:36
By: tim_one
I have no idea why the Group was set to Irreproducible, but have seen that
on other recent new bug reports too -- maybe a new SF buglet.
Anyway, changed group to None. Ivan Frohne helpfully investigated this,
and made what looks to be a very strong case for adopting the algorithm
Janne suggests.
For detailed info, follow this link: