[Python-bugs-list] [ python-Bugs-231273 ] [windows] os.popen doens't kill subprocess when interrupted

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Fri, 12 Jul 2002 00:16:54 -0700

Bugs item #231273, was opened at 2001-02-06 11:43
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Category: Windows
Group: Platform-specific
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Christophe Gouiran (cgouiran)
Assigned to: Mark Hammond (mhammond)
Summary: [windows] os.popen doens't kill subprocess when interrupted

Initial Comment:
Hi, in the following script I liked to make an interface to the contig program(http://www.sysinternals.com)

As the popen invocation can be a long time process (since it walks recursively trough directories) I press CTRL-C sometimes and the contig continues to run.

I use Python 2.0 (BeOpen version) under WinNT 4.0(SP 4)

Maybe I made a mistake in the following script ?


#! /usr/bin/env python

import sys;
import os;
import re;

content = ""

mm = re.compile("Processing (.+)?:\nFragments: (\d+)?");

output = os.popen("contig -a -s *.*");

  line = output.readline();
  if line == '':
    content += line;

status = output.close()

if status:
  print("Error contig : "+`status`+"("+os.strerror(status)+")");

print mm.findall(content)


>Comment By: Tim Peters (tim_one)
Date: 2002-07-12 03:16

Logged In: YES 

It's hard to know what Windows intends.  The docs say

The ctrl+c and ctrl+break key combinations receive special
handling by console processes. By default, when a console
window has the keyboard focus, ctrl+c or ctrl+break is
treated as a signal (SIGINT or SIGBREAK) and not as
keyboard input. By default, these signals are passed to all
console processes that are attached to the console,
causing the system to call the control handler function or
functions associated with these processes. Detached
processes (GUI processes or console processes started
CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE flag) are not affected.

That seems clear enough at first glance; the problem is that 
MS docs almost never say anything useful about how their 
msvcrt functions map onto Win32 concepts.  So, e.g., did 
they intend that a process opened via popen() from a 
console process share the console?  Who knows?

Best guess is that they did, and at least on Win9x 
Python's w9xpopen doesn't pass any special creation flags 
to CreateProcess().  However,Python's 
_PyPopenCreateProcess() *does* pass 
CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE when it creates its child process, 
so it seems no mystery (according to the docs) why Mark's 
little progam doesn't kill off the child when the parent gets 


Comment By: Martin v. Löwis (loewis)
Date: 2002-07-11 04:22

Logged In: YES 

Delivery of Ctrl-C (SIGINT) is platform-specific; I see no
need to provide a uniform behaviour across systems.

On Unix, the terminal device sends SIGINT to all processes
that have this terminal as their controlling terminal; the
idea is that logging off that terminal will also terminate
all incomplete processes (unless they have been detached
from the terminal). If Windows treats Ctrl-C in a different
way, traditionally, I think platform conventions should
overrule Python-uniformness.


Comment By: Mark Hammond (mhammond)
Date: 2002-07-11 02:57

Logged In: YES 

Martin: you wrote:
> I can't see the bug here, though - why *should* 
> terminating the parent process terminate the child 
> processes also?

I think there is a bug here - certainly a difference
compared to Linux.  Consider a script popen_child.py:

import time

for i in range(20):
    print i

and consider popen_parent.py

import os

f=os.popen("python popen_child.py")
print f.read()

When popen_parent.py is executed on Linux and I press
Ctrl+C, I see *both* processes terminate with
KeyboardInterrupt.  On Windows, the parent process is killed
but the child continues until it dies of other causes.

I may be able to fix it but now I am not even sure it is a
bug :)


Comment By: Martin v. Löwis (loewis)
Date: 2001-06-04 16:46

Logged In: YES 

A patch for this problem is in progress at


I can't see the bug here, though - why *should* 
terminating the parent process terminate the child 
processes also?


Comment By: Tim Peters (tim_one)
Date: 2001-02-09 18:50

Poor Mark.  I assign anything with "popen + Windows" to you, because you're the only one who ever makes progress on them <wink>.  Offhand, I can't see how Ctrl+C directed at Python *could* interrupt a spawned process.


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