[Python-bugs-list] [ python-Feature Requests-751260 ] Thread in threading.py can only be started once
Sun, 15 Jun 2003 14:03:20 -0700
Feature Requests item #751260, was opened at 2003-06-09 03:16
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by bcannon
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>Category: None
>Group: None
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Lars Schuenzel (yahoo_alive)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: Thread in threading.py can only be started once
Initial Comment:
class Thread doesn't reset self.__started after run() has terminated, so one cannot reuse
the thread class and run start() again.
>Comment By: Brett Cannon (bcannon)
Date: 2003-06-15 14:03
Logged In: YES
What Andrew said. =) Although I realize if you did already know
how to make this work you would have made this a patch.
I am reclassifying this as a feature request instead of a bug since
the code isn't broken; you just want it to do something that it is
not designed to do at the moment.
Comment By: Andrew Bennetts (spiv)
Date: 2003-06-15 05:35
Logged In: YES
> Imagine, you wish your thread to do some background work
> while normal execution goes on (e.g. parsing a website).
> It's a small task doing execatly the same job over an over.
> If that will happen often, the overhead of creating a new
> object might be too hight, especially if your object holds a
> lot of data. And sometime the garbage collector will kick
Asking for this feature on the basis of performance sounds
bogus to me. I'd expect creating and finishing threads to
be more expensive than the usual way to do this, which is to
have the one thread process chunks of work delivered via a
Queue.Queue (as opposed to creating a short-lived thread for
each chunk of work).
If you really think performance is the issue here, do some
benchmarking of the way things work at the moment versus
your proposal, versus long-lived threads using Queues. If
you have some compelling numbers, then you'll have more
chance of convincing people this needs to be done. (But my
guess is you'll find long-lived threads are more efficient.)
Comment By: Lars Schuenzel (yahoo_alive)
Date: 2003-06-15 04:22
Logged In: YES
Maybe I should state some reasons for adding this functionality:
Imagine, you wish your thread to do some background work
while normal execution goes on (e.g. parsing a website).
It's a small task doing execatly the same job over an over.
If that will happen often, the overhead of creating a new
object might be too hight, especially if your object holds a
lot of data. And sometime the garbage collector will kick in...
If you want to write a really small class build from several
mix-in classes and Thread that only seldom needs to run
start(), you could use all member functions and variables.
Nice and neat.
And last but not least it wouldn't break compatibility.
Programs using threadying.py needn't change a single line.
There are more pro's and con's to this. To my opinion it is
more a matter of coding style and design. I do not know
Java's threads but I agree now with time_one: maybe this
issue is more a feature request than a bug report.
Comment By: Brett Cannon (bcannon)
Date: 2003-06-14 20:56
Logged In: YES
I agree with Tim here. I don't see a need for this anyway. Once
a thread has terminated it is done, period. Having to
reinstantiate a class to run another thread is perfectly
Comment By: Tim Peters (tim_one)
Date: 2003-06-09 15:54
Logged In: YES
It's true that Thread instances can't be restarted, but you
haven't made a case for calling that "a bug". Python's
threading model is fashioned loosely on Java's, and, like
Java's, limits thread instances to one invocation by design.
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